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What does the Bible say about a seductive woman?

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What does the Bible say about an adulterous, seductive woman?

This is what the Bible says about an adulterous, seductive woman:

Proverbs 2:16–20 (the Voice Bible version)

“Wisdom will pluck you from the trap of a seductive woman, from the enticing propositions of the adulteress who chose to leave the husband of her youth to forget her sacred promises to God; for her house is on the road that leads to death, and her path goes down to the shadowy pit. Those who go to her will never return; they will never again find their way back to true life.”

Proverbs 5:1–14 (the Voice Bible version)

“My son, stay focused; listen to the wisdom I have gained; give attention to what I have learned about life so you may be able to make sensible judgments and speak with knowledge.

You see, the lips of a seductive woman speak honey-sweet words; they are smooth like oil and enticing. But in the end, she is bitter, turning the stomach and rotting the soul; she cuts as deep as a double-edged sword. She leads you down a path that can only end in death; her steps lead eventually to the grave. She does not travel the road to life and truth. She follows a wandering path—a rocky, pit-filled road that twists and turns—and she doesn’t even know it.

So my children, listen to me. Do not stray from the advice. Stay away from her, far away from her path; don’t even go near her door unless you are ready to hand over your reputation to someone else, unless you want to spend the rest of your years at the mercy of some cruel person.

If you do, strangers will help themselves to your wealth, and everything you have worked hard to acquire will end up in someone else’s hands.

Your life will end with groanings of remorse and of opportunities missed, and your flesh and bones will be eaten up with sorrow and regret for worthless efforts.

Then you’ll say, ‘Why did I hate being taught? Why did I turn my back on correction? I disregarded all that my teachers said to me; I turned my ear away from the instructors! Now I am on the edge of complete and utter ruin in the midst of the community.’”

Proverbs 6:22–24 (the International Standard Version)

“During your travels, wisdom will lead you; she will watch over you while you rest; she will watch over you while you rest; and when you are startled from your sleep, she will commune with you. Because the command is a lamp and the law a light, it rebukes that discipline is a way of life—to protect you from the evil woman and from the words of the seductive woman.”

Proverbs 22:14 (the Voice Bible version)

“The alluring words of a seductive woman are a deep hole; the Eternal is incensed toward those who fall in.”

Proverbs 6:24–35 (the Voice Bible version)

“They will keep you far from the corrupted woman, away from the smooth talk of a seductive woman. Do not lose yourself in desire for her beauty or let her win you over with her painted eyes, for you can buy a harlot with a loaf of bread, but sex with another man’s wife will cost you your life.

Can you carry fire right next to your body and keep your clothes from burning? Can you walk over fiery coals and keep your feet from blistering? Take another man’s wife, and you will find out—whoever touches her will be found guilty.

People don’t despise a thief who only steals to fill his hunger; still, if they catch him, he must repay seven times over—he could end up losing everything he owns!

By contrast, only a fool would commit adultery since, by his actions, he loses not only his possessions but also his own life. He will suffer injury and be disgraced; dishonor will leave a permanent mark on his life. Because jealousy sparks a husband’s rage, when he gets his revenge, he’ll show no mercy. He will not be paid off or appeased; no bribe or gift will set things right.”

Proverbs 7:6-27 (The Message, MSG, Bible version)

“As I stood at the window of my house looking out through the shutters, watching the mindless crowd stroll by, I spotted a young man without any sense arriving at the corner of the street where she lived, then turning up the path to her house.

It was dusk, the evening was coming on, and the darkness was thickening into night. Just then, a woman met him—she’d been lying in wait for him, dressed to seduce him. Brazen and brash she was, restless and roaming, never at home, walking the streets, loitering in the mall, hanging out at every corner in town.

She threw her arms around him and kissed him. She boldly took his arm and said, ‘I’ve got all the makings for a feast—today I made my offerings; my vows are all paid, so now I have come to find you, hoping to catch sight of your face—and here you are!

I’ve spread fresh, clean sheets on my bed and colorful imported linens. My bed is aromatic with spices and exotic fragrances. Come, let’s make love all night. Spend the night in ecstatic love! My husband’s not home; he’s away on business, and he won’t be back for a month.’

Soon she has him eating out of her hand, bewitched by her honeyed speech. Before you know it, he’s trotting behind her, like a calf led to the butcher shop. Like a stag lured into an ambush and then shot with an arrow, like a bird flying into a net, not knowing that its flying life is over.

So, friends, listen to me and take these words of mine most seriously. Don’t fool around with a woman like that; don’t fool around with a woman like that; don’t even stroll through her neighborhood. Countless victims come under her spell; she’s the death of many poor men. She runs a halfway house to hell; she fits you out with a shroud and a coffin.”

Ecclesiastes 7:26 (the New Living Translation version)

“I discovered that a seductive woman is a trap more bitter than death. Her passion is a snare, and her soft hands are chains. Those who are pleasing to God will escape her, but sinners will be caught in her snare.”

I hope this is helpful. Thank you, and God richly bless you. Shalom.

Related Post: What does the Bible say about an adulterous woman

Also Read: Prayer for sexual sin and healing based on psalm 51 nkjv

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If you are willing to receive Jesus Christ as your savior, that is, to be born again, kindly say the following prayer from the bottom of your heart:

Prayer to become a born-again Christian

“Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and hereby ask for your forgiveness.

I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that you are the only begotten Son of the living God.

I believe that you were sent by your Father to the earth to save sinners like me.

I now accept you as my personal Lord and Savior.

Come into my heart and baptize me with the Holy Spirit.

Thank you for saving me.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,


Congratulations friend! You are now a born-again Christian!

Welcome to the family of God!


“The LORD bless you and keep you;

The Lord, make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;

The LORD lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.”

(Numbers 6:24-26)


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